Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Vanilla Chai Tea With Cream Soap

 The night I sliced the soap there wasn't much colour difference on the sides.
The next night the Vanilla had started to discolour, the speckles should disappear as it darkens. The Chai scented soap on the left is discolouring as well. Hopefully it won't get as dark as the Vanilla.

Recipe (just over 2lbs) in grams
298 Olive Oil
227 Coconut
98  Palm
100 Cocoa Butter
169 Distilled Water
100 Cream or Half & Half
1 Chai Tea Bag
102 Lye
2 Tsp Vanilla Fragrance
2 Tsp Chai Tea Fragrance
12 inch long drawer organizer
light cardboard strip cut the length of the drawer organizer

You want the cardboard a few inches higher than the drawer organizer & I covered my cardboard with plastic wrap.
You'l also need someone to hold it in the centre of the mold while you pour the soap on either side.

Mix the lye into the water and set aside to cool. Get your oils ready. When the lye solution and the oils are at 100 degrees, warm the cream with the tea bag to about the same temp. Add the oils to the lye solution and start stirring, then add the cream. Bring to a trace and then split the batch. I took l pound of the soap and put it in a large measuring cup. To one half add the Vanilla fragrance and stir well. Get someone to hold the cardboard strip in the centre of the mold and pour the Vanilla scented soap to one side of the strip. The soap will push the cardboard strip over a bit, try not to let it move to much. Scent the rest of the soap with the Chai Tea fragrance and pour that on the other side of the coardboard. You will have a little soap left over that can go into an individual mold.

Carefully remove the cardboard. To swirl the top, take a wooden scewer and go back and forth across the top of the soap in whatever pattern you like. Be carfeful when you cover it, you don't want to mess up your swirled pattern. I covered mine with some more light cardboard that I had bent into an arc and then a light towel. Unmold after two days, you can slice it a couple of days after that. Cure for 3 weeks.

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